
Without passion for what we do, without profound thought, without philosophy, without all of it, we would be just another generic software studio. Everything we do is driven by our will to make high quality products. Products, which users are happy to use, products which are fun to develop and products, which share our philosophy - to create something, that matters.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” ~ Suzy Kassem
“At first they’ll ask you why you’re doing it, then they’ll ask you how you did it.” ~ Unknown

# we care

Our goal is to make your project successful and we’ll try to come up with our own ideas on how to make it the best possible.

# we share

Contributing to open source projects has always been in our blood and we continue doing so.

# we aspire

Believing that what we do makes a difference in this world was always important for our vision.

# we endure

Each problem has always a solution, it might be difficult to find it, but we’re never afraid of the search however discouraging it was.

# we listen

Every idea has its value and each of our team member’s voice is listened to when making decisions.

# we prepare

Nobody is perfect and there is always things out of our grasp. We are well aware of that and we never stop learning new things.